Find Your Perfect Plant
We have put together a modest collection of some information and images of our most popular and successful plants for your garden projects. This collection will be growing over time. Note that due to the seasonal availability of plants, this collection does not reflect current inventory in our stores. Please call our stores directly to check availability for purchase or order.

Acer palmatum var. dissectum
'Crimson Queen' Japanese Maple

'Low Rider' Elephant Ear

Amelanchier x grandiflora
'Autumn Brilliance™' Serviceberry

Anchusa capensis ''Blue Angel'' (Summer Forget-Me-Not)
'Blue Angel' Summer Forget-Me-Not

Asclepias incarnata 'Cinderella' (Butterfly Flower)
Cinderella Butterfly Flower

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet' (Milkweed)
Ice Ballet Milkweed

Bellis perennis 'Habanera Mix' (Quilled English Daisy)
Habanera Mix Quilled English Daisy

Betula nigra
Dura Heat® River Birch

Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' (Feather Reed Grass)
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass

Cephalanthus occidentalis
Crimson Comet™ Button Bush

Cimicifuga 'Chocoholic' PP24821 (Black Snakeroot)
Chocoholic Black Snakeroot

Iberis sempervirens 'Alexanders White' (Candytuft)
Alexanders White Candytuft

Iris sibirica
Peacock Butterfly™ 'Uncorked'

Itea virginica
'Fountains of Rouge™' Virginia sweet

Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona' (Bigleaf Ligularia)
Desdemona Bigleaf Ligularia

Ligularia dentata 'Othello' (Big Leaf Ligularia)
Othello Big Leaf Ligularia

Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket' (Leopard Plant)
Little Rocket Leopard Plant

Stevia rebaudiana

Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' (Speedwell)
Red Fox Speedwell